Mercury Free Fillings
Clinical Research
Associations of blood mercury, inorganic mercury, methyl mercury and bisphenol A with dental surface restorations in the U.S. population
May 2016
Source: Science Direct
Abstract: The potential adverse health effects of mercury from amalgam and bisphenol A (BPA) from composite resin have been significant concerns. It is unclear whether dental restorative materials significantly contribute to mercury or BPA levels. The purpose of this study is to use NHANES data including 14,703 subjects (2003–2004: n=7514; 2011–2012: n=7189) to examine the association between Dental Surface Restorations (DSR) and blood total mercury (THg), inorganic mercury (IHg), methyl mercury (MeHg) and urinary BPA through the stratification of covariates and multivariate analysis. Subjects were divided into three groups based on the number of dental surface restorations (DSRs, 0, 1–8, >8). Blood THg and IHg in 2003–2004 were significantly higher in the subjects with DSR (geometric mean of 0.48, 0.69 and 1.17 μg/l for THg; 0.32, 0.33 and 0.39 μg/l for IHg with DSR 0, 1–8 and >8). Similarly, increases of THg, IHg and MeHg were also observed in 2013–2014 (geometric mean of 0.51, 0.69 and 0.99 μg/l for THg; 0.40, 0.49 and 0.66 μg/l for MeHg; 0.20, 0.22 and 0.29 μg/l for IHg with DSR 0, 1–8 and >8). Linear regression model analysis revealed blood THg and IHg in 2003–2004 and THg, IHg and MeHg in 2011–2012 were quantitatively associated with the number of DSRs. A dramatic decrease in urinary BPA from 2003 to 2004–2011–2012 was observed, but no significant increase with DSRs in either period of study. In conclusion, significant increases in blood THg, IHg, and MeHg in the subjects with DSRs are confirmed in a nationally representative population, a critical step in assessing the potential risk of adverse effects from dental restorative materials, but no association between dental fillings and urinary BPA was found.
Demethylation of methylmercury and the enhanced production of formaldehyde in mouse liver
Source: American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics
Abstract: Methylmercury (MeHg) is gradually changed to inorganic Hg after demethylation in animal tissues, and a selective quantification of inorganic Hg in the tissues is necessary to detect the reaction. We detected inorganic Hg formation in liver and kidney of mouse as early as 24 hr after MeHg injection. As an example of biological demethylation, the cytochrome P450 (P450)-mediated N-demethylation of drugs has been well documented, and formaldehyde was detected as a reaction product. Here we incubated mouse liver homogenate with added MeHg and observed a dose-dependent production of formaldehyde, as well as inorganic Hg formation. Since the amount of formaldehyde was approx. 500 times higher than that of the inorganic Hg that formed, the formaldehyde production would be stimulated by inorganic Hg formed from MeHg. We observed that inorganic Hg caused formaldehyde production, and it was enhanced by L-methionine and sarcosine. Thus, some biomolecules with S-methyl and N-methyl groups may function as methyl donors in the reaction. Using subcellular fractions of mouse liver, we observed that microsomal P450 did not participate in the demethylation of MeHg, but the greatest activity was located in the mitochondria-rich fraction. The addition of superoxide anion in the reaction mixture significantly enhanced the formaldehyde production, whereas Mn-superoxide dismutase depressed the reaction. Our present findings demonstrated that inorganic Hg formed by MeHg demethylation in mouse liver stimulated the endogenous formaldehyde production, and we observed that MeHg demethylation could be estimated by a formaldehyde analysis. Our results also suggested that superoxide anion is involved in the reaction.
A prospective study of prenatal mercury exposure from maternal dental amalgams and autism severity.
Source: NCIB
Abstract: Dental amalgams containing 50% mercury (Hg) have been used in dentistry for the last 150 years, and Hg exposure during key developmental periods was associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). This study examined increased Hg exposure from maternal dental amalgams during pregnancy among 100 qualifying participants born between 1990-1999 and diagnosed with DSM-IV autism (severe) or ASD (mild). Logistic regression analysis (age, gender, race, and region of residency adjusted) by quintile of maternal dental amalgams during pregnancy revealed the ratio of autism:ASD (severe:mild) were about 1 (no effect) for < or =5 amalgams and increased for > or =6 amalgams. Subjects with > or =6 amalgams were 3.2-fold significantly more likely to be diagnosed with autism (severe) in comparison to ASD (mild) than subjects with < or =5 amalgams. Dental amalgam policies should consider Hg exposure in women before and during the child-bearing age and the possibility of subsequent fetal exposure and adverse outcomes.